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Recruiting Rules

Sept 1 Marks the Date when Coaches can Interact with Student Athletes


Denver men’s coach Bill Tierney (third from left) will wait until Friday morning to contact prospects. Tierney suggests revising the rules to allow campus visits by rising high school juniors in the summer so as not to compromise other sports in the fall. Tick, tock, tick, tock… The clock heads toward midnight and the official Sept. 1 start of direct recruiting contact between college lacrosse coaches and high school juniors. “The plan for us is to text at midnight and if the kid wants to talk then, then I’m more than happy to talk then,” Bucknell women’s coach Remington Steele said. “We’re trying to plan out the day. It’s going to back to the old-school style where you’re spending 10 hours in a phone campaign that first day. We want to have our depth chart and reach out to the people that are on the top of that list at midnight and see who gets back to us and how they want to do it. And then the plan is that first weekend to start making some home visits.” Other coaches plan on waiting. They aren’t going to use the very first minute that the […]

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