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The Next Generation of College Athletic Recruits

At AllStarRecruits, we believe that every Student-Athlete who has the drive, determination and academic qualifications, should be afforded the opportunity to play college level sports, regardless of economic status.

The way we advocate this is by giving you the tools and resources to take your college lacrosse recruiting strategy to the next level.

AllStarRecruits is dedicated to helping every Student-Athlete pursue their dream of playing College Athletics.

AllStarRecruits is a DIY social network that was built (not only as a place to collaborate), but also to educate and make the athletic recruiting process simple and effective.

Don’t spend thousands on a recruiting agency when you can do it yourself!

The Athletic Recruiting process has dramatically changed over the past few years.  In the “good ole days”, if you were a good athlete, recruiters would find you.  Your Senior Year played a more significant role and technology played a far less one.

Today, everything starts earlier and happens faster.  The competition is fierce because the supply is high and the demand is low.  There are recruiting showcases all over the US for Coaches to be able to find Athletes.  Social Media and Technology take recruiting to another level.  One of which puts you up against thousands of other athletes all vying for the same few spots on a Coach’s roster.

The Athletic Recruiting Process can be complex and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be.  Our goal is to educate and walk you through the process and save you time and money while doing it.

Follow the “AllStarRecruits 7-Step Recruiting Playbook” to increase your chances of getting a part of the $1 billion in full and partial scholarships that are awarded each year by the NCAA to more than 126,000 undergraduate student-athletes at Division I and II Schools.  **according to

The NCAA is not the only resource if you are pursuing athletics on the post-secondary level.  The NJCAA also awards full and partial scholarships to athletes.  If you are an athlete interested in community college, consider contacting those schools about potential scholarship opportunities.

How do you get started? is here to help by walking you through the process.  Continue reading….

  • Start NOW!  As much as I would love to say….”Let a kid be a kid…there’s time.”  Reality is that there is not time and it’s never too early to start.  In fact Middle School is the perfect time to begin to research colleges, and to start thinking about your plan and formulating your strategy.
  • Sign up to Stay Updated.  AllStarRecruits will guide you through the process if you sign up to receive updates. Just enter your name and email and we will deliver updates to your Inbox on a regular basis to keep you on track!  Sign up for your Newsletter here. 

Here’s how it works:

Step 1 – Create your FREE Athletic Profile.  An Online Athletic Profile is a must!  Showcase your ability adding stats and achievements, events, post pictures and videos.  Connect with coaches and share your profile.  Register here to create your Profile.

Step 2 – Assess yourself….do YOU have what it takes?  Before starting on your journey, you need to determine your potential for participating in College Sports.  How do you know if you are talented enough to play, and at which level of competition you can expect to play?  We will tell you the three steps to follow to gain a realistic picture of your chances.

Step 3 – Identify your Mission. What do you want to do and where do you want to go?  Create your Target List.  If you have an idea of which colleges are in your top 5 or 10…great!  For each of these schools, learn about the campus, the majors offered, the athletic facilities, and any other information that you think may be relevant in narrowing down your list.  If not, you need to begin now.  The final choices should be based primarily on quality of academics and overall “fit” in accordance with your major, not on athletics.  Sports are just a vehicle to get you into the best college possible and hopefully, help offset the cost.

Step 4 – Formulate your Strategy.  Put your plan in place and follow through.  Just like anything else, the harder you work, the better your results will be.  Attend top events.  Join premier clubs.  Focus on academics!  When the time comes and you are being recruited, grades are VERY important.  You can be the best player around, but without good grades, you will not meet initial eligibility requirements.  By working hard in school, the number of schools able to recruit you increases, giving you more options.

Step 5 – Build your Brand.  Who you are, what you do, and why you do it.  Whether or not you realize it, you pitch your “brand” every day in many different ways.  In the age of social media, it is no secret that we are connected more than ever before.   In this technology and media driven world that we live in, everything is out there for people to see.  Student-Athletes need to be aware of what they they are posting and how they are responding to others.  Social Media is crucial in helping you Build your Brand.  A huge part of building your brand is defining what makes you different from any other student – athlete who is competing for a spot on a coach’s roster.  AllStarRecruits will give you the tools and resources that help you create your distinctive and compelling story that resonates with people.

Step 6 – Market YOU!  In order for you to market yourself, you need to know what your strengths are.  Creating a list of strengths can be very helpful in your marketing plan.  Think about all the tasks in lacrosse  – it’s not all about scoring.  It’s ground balls, and turnovers to draw and face-off percentages.  Then there are the things that can’t be put on a stat sheet, such as mental toughness, technical ability, perseverance, or any other qualities that make a great athlete.  You must know what coaches want.  When marketing YOU, be sure not to overlook what the coach wants.  What are they looking for in a player?  What is their coaching style?  Is it a good fit for you?  When it comes down to it, it’s about THEM, not YOU, so you must tailoring your marketing plan to meet their needs!

Step 7 – Drive to the Goal.   Be in shape.  Be Respectful.  Dress Accordingly.  Negotiate Offers.  Take Control.

Do YOU have what it takes?

AllStarRecruits | The Next Generation of College Athletic Recruits -Do you have what it takes?