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Fuel for Tourneys


The tournament season will be in full gear soon.  As many LAX parents gear up to survive another season of non-stop running from tournament to tournament every weekend, it is important to fuel the athletes with proper healthy nutrition, so that not only so their bodies can perform at peak levels, but also to help establish proper nutrition habits that will stay with them throughout their lives.  As parents get the family prepared for those long days filled with game after game at tournaments all over the US,  it is the athletes who must perform all day with few opportunities to refuel properly between games. We expect our athletes to stay focused, energized, and able to play their best with so little time to refuel between games, therefore burning high quality, “high octane” fuel is necessary.

It is important to support the athletes as much as possible by providing healthy snacks, proper fluids, and the best lunches for these long days.  Schedules are subject to change, even on game day, so plan and pack lunches accordingly.  Help athletes create eating routines to stay energized without the ups and downs of blood sugar fluctuations.

Realize that the professionals that your children aspire to become do not run on Captain Crunch, Donuts and Pop Tarts, so set an example and teach your kids how to eat to win.

Here is an example of a solid routine you can rely on:

1)    Pack enough snacks to eat every 2-3 hours and/or between games.

2)    Have a water bottle filled with cool water (or a lower sugar sports drink for activities lasting longer than 60 minutes). Athletes should be drinking fluids frequently throughout the day.

3)    Prepare lunch so your athlete does not run low on fuel.

4)    For sports performance, focus on foods that provide the best fuel and are acceptable to picky eaters.  Tournament day is not the best time to test out new foods or get your 30 grams of fiber/day.  We will discuss the specific types of foods that best fuel sports performance in a separate article.

According to sports nutritionist, Susan Kleiner, PhD, R.D, author of  the Power Eating, 3rd Edition and  The Powerfood Nutrition Plan and  consultant to amateur, professional and Olympic athletes, when fueling before games athletes must obtain the proper combination of carbohydrates and protein with minimal fats. Seek out carbohydrates that are digested quickly, combined with protein to sustain energy. Know that fats slow down digestion, and too much fiber can lead to cramping.

The following chart will serve as a guideline and resource to help you plan and prepare.

Snack Before Games

Timing Goal Food options
90 minutes + before: -16 oz. of fluids before first game

-Combine low to moderate glycemic carbohydrates with protein and fluid

-Low: fats,  sugars & fiber

-Ideally 250 -400 calories

-Hardboiled egg and crackers

-Yogurt with fruit and honey

-Lower sugar cereal with fruit and milk

-Medium apple with peanut butter

– String cheese with handful of nuts

– Turkey sandwich (whole wheat bread)

– Crackers with orange

– Pretzels with grapes

– Smoothie with non-fat milk

-Whole wheat pasta or rice with chicken and tomato sauce

-Low sugar granola bar with  apple or cheese

Half-Time Snacks or Between Games (Less Than 60 Minutes To Rest) 

Timing Goals Food Options
Less than 60 minutes to rest -Focus on  replenishing fluids (4-8 oz. every 15-20 min)

– Use electrolytes if playing high intensity sport

– Use sport drink when exercising longer than 60 min. and water for less than 60 min.

– Sustain fast burst energy with moderate glycemic carbohydrates such as fruit

– Bananas

– Peeled orange or clementine slices

– Grapes

– Melon chunks

– Apple wedges

Meal Choices During Tournaments

Timing Goals Food options
Between games for 1-2 hours before next


– Bring your lunch and plan ahead for snacks and adequate fluids

– Avoid high sugar and high glycemic carbohydrates due to high fluctuations in blood sugar

– Combine carbohydrates with  protein and fluid or sports drink

– Avoid high-fiber or gas-forming foods like beans or anything that can upset your stomach while your body is in motion.

– Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (whole wheat)

– Peanut butter on a bagel

–  Lean meat sandwiches with chicken or turkey

– Whole Wheat pasta with vegetables

– Baked potatoes

– Regular sized sandwich lower in fat, side salad, low-fat milk

– Yogurt with fruit and small amount of  lower sugar cereal

Best Fast Food Options For Tournaments

I do not recommend that you seek out fast food options, but realize that in a pinch it is often the only option.

Please use these options sparingly in favor of better planning options discussed above.

Goal Food Options
– If you must eat fast food focus on the best options for fuel

– Stay away from fried foods

– Avoid soft drinks & juice

– Drink low-fat or nonfat milk or water

– Mexican: Do not eat the high-fat tortilla shells from tacos or taco salads. Avoid sour cream & secret sauces

– Chipotle: Burrito w/o sour cream 

– Subway: Turkey breast wrap or sandwich

– Burger King: Grilled Chicken Sandwich (no sauce)

–  McDonald’s: Grilled Chicken classic sandwich, Bacon Ranch salad with grilled chicken, fruit & yogurt parfait

– Wendy’s: Baked potato

– Pizza Hut: 1 slice of thin cheese, chicken, ham, or veggie pizza

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