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Email TemplatesStep 6 - Market YOU

Email Templates


Email Templates

You can use these templates either as phone or e-mail conversations. Remember these general rules…

  • For your first contact should usually be an e-mail. If they don’t respond in a week you can always call. This way they at least have your information already.
  • After a relationship is established, use the phone for important conversations like finding out their interest level and talking scholarship money; unless you already have established a successful e-mail dialogue.
  • Phone calls are best for talking with admissions representatives, unless you already have established a successful e-mail dialogue.
  • Ask questions instead of making statements or giving commands to college coaches.
  • Keep a strict 75/25 rule. 75% of the contact with coaches and financial aid should come from the student-athlete and 25% from the parents.
  • Keep it briefI Especially when it’s coming from the parents.
  • Always use Dear Coach [Burns], not just Dear Burns
  • When you have both an office and cell number, call the office number first
  • Always leave a message
  • Athletes – be professional and thorough. Start with a greeting and end with a conclusion. State who you are first and then start talking/writing. Sign off with your full name and relevant contact information.

Communicating with College Coaches:

Introduction Email 1

Dear Coach [Burns],

My name is [name] I am a high school [class], class of [year]. I have recently started my search for a college to further my education. [School] is high on my list of choices. I have included a link below which contains a website my personal, academic, and athletic information.  Please send me any information regarding the [use team nickname here] program, school admission requirements, financial aid, upcoming camp schedules, or any other helpful information. I look forward to learning more about [school] and the [nickname, sport] program.



[Signature Links]

Jordyn Burns ‘22

Midfielder | South Adams CSD | Adams, NY

GPA:  3.5 | SAT:  tbd | ACT:  tbd

Athletic Profile: (links to your Profile)

Video: (links to your YouTube channel)

Phone:  555-111-1212

Facebook: (links to your Facebook Profile)

Twitter: (links to your Twitter Profile)

Instagram: (links to your Instagram Profile)

Introduction Letter 2

Coach [Burns],

“Hey coach, I’ve been looking on your website and see you’ve been at [school] for eight years now. What do you like best about the school? I’ve begun the process of looking for schools and I want to know what I can do to be considered as a recruit in your program. I’d be happy to supply you with whatever you would need to take a look at me. I look forward to hearing from you.



[Signature Links}

 Response to Questionnaire Letter

Coach [Burns],

Thanks for sending me your questionnaire I [put it in the mail or filled it out on­line]. For more information on me please see the attached profile, link to my website, and link to my video. I had a chance to look through your website and research [school] and your program. [Use this space to comment on something you found out about the school: coaches background, location, last season’s record, returning roster, etc.] I am very interested in [school]. Please let me know what the next steps are and what I can do to be considered as a recruit for your program. I look forward to hearing from you.



[Signature Links]

Jordyn Burns ‘22

Midfielder | South Adams CSD | Adams, NY

GPA:  3.5 | SAT:  tbd | ACT:  tbd

Athletic Profile: (links to your Profile)

Video: (links to your YouTube channel)

Phone:  555-111-1212

Facebook: (links to your Facebook Profile)

Twitter: (links to your Twitter Profile)

Instagram: (links to your Instagram Profile)

Response to Campus Visit/Camp Invite Letter

Coach [Burns],

Thank you for the [Campus Visit/Camp invitation],  I have gotten several invites over [timeframe] and  want to [visit campus/ attend camp] of the schools that are the top on my list. [School] is at the top of my target school list because [academics, major, location, tradition, etc.]. However, I have limited resources to visit all schools and will be picking the top three.  Due to this, so I want to make sure the schools are potentially interested in me. If at all possible, please evaluate my highlight video and let me know if you would see me as a possible fit with your team.   If you think I would be a good fit, I would love to come to [visit campus/attend camp]I Thank you for understanding my position.   I’m looking forward to hearing from you.”



[Signature Links]

Watch me Play

Coach [Burns],

I just wanted to let you know that I will be playing at the [event and date]. I’d love it if you or your staff could evaluate me if you are planning on attending. I am still very interested in [school]. Let me know if there is anything else I should be doing to be considered as a recruit. Looking forward to hearing from you.



[Signature Links]

Sending Schedule Letter

Coach [Burns],

I am writing this letter to tell you of my continued interest in playing lacrosse for [school]. I am enclosing a copy of my [fall, winter, spring, summer] [high school or club sport] schedule. My coach’s contact info is included.  Please contact [him or her] with any schedule questions. [Use this space to update the coach on any news or items of interest; showcase invites, honors received, academic achievements, etc.] Please send any information regarding upcoming camps that you will be hosting. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope to hear more about [school and sport] in the future.



[Signature Links]

Sending Video Letter

Coach [Burns],

I am writing this letter to tell you of my continued interest in playing Lacrosse for

[school].  I am [enclosing, linking] of my highlight video.  The video is about [time] minutes long.  The tape shows me [describe briefly what the tape includes, what color jersey, and what number].  [Use this space to update the coach on any news or items of interest; showcase invites, honors received, academic achievements, etc.]

Thank you for your time.

I look forward to learning more about [school] and [nickname, sport], in the future. Sincerely,


[Signature Links]

Ask for Un-Official Visit Letter 1

Coach [Burns],

Thank you for the letter [or e-mail, phone call, etc.]. I reviewed the information you sent and am very interested in finding more out about your program. I see on your website [include here something thoughtful you found on their website about their school or coaching staff]. I’m in the process of narrowing down the schools that I am interested in and [school] is one of the schools that meets my academic and athletic goals. I’d love to take an unofficial visit to [school] in order to get a feel for the campus, you, and your program. Do you have any dates coming up that would work for a campus visit? Please let me know what works best for you. Thanks for your interest in me andI look forward to hearing back from you.



[Signature Links]

Ask for Un-Official Visit Letter 2

Coach [Burns],

I am very interested in [school] and would really like to see the campus and get a chance to meet you, even if it’s just to say hello. Do you have any dates coming up that would work well for a visit? Also, please let me know if there is anything else I should do to be considered as a potential recruit.



[Signature Links}

How to Find Out Their Interest Level in You


I would be an excellent fit for your lacrosse program due to [list reasons].  I know you’ve sent me e-mails and letters and had the opportunity to watch me on film and in person. Do you have an idea of what your interest level is in me?   Your school is high on my list, but I just wanted to make sure of your interest in me before I narrow down my list. Is there anything else I can or should send your staff at this time?  What else would help you determine whether or not I’m a good fit for your program?



[Signature Links]

How to Bring up Scholarship Money


I am very interested in [University]. To me the most important factors are playing for a winning program, learning from great coaches, and being challenged to be the best player I can become. I feel confident that I can accomplish all of those things at [University]. I am really excited about making that dream of mine a reality. My parents and I have been talking about my college choices and I have informed them that [University] is my top choice. The problem is that my parents don’t have a ton of money and the bottom line cost will be a big factor in where I choose to go to school. When do you hope to make decisions on scholarships and what do I need to do to be eligible for as much assistance as I can qualify for?



[Signature Links]

Post Visit Thank You Letter

Coach [Burns],

Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me. I really enjoyed the visit and getting the chance to meet you all in person. After having some time to reflect on everything you showed us, my family and I want to let you know that [school] is one of my top choices. Please let me know what the next steps are and what I need to do to be considered a recruit for your program. I look forward to keeping in touch with you.



[Signature Links]

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