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Step 6 - Market YOU

What do I do with my Highlight Video?


After you create your highlight video, you need to upload to YouTube and add your Links in your Profile ( under “Profile Snapshot -> Highlight Video” (see below)

Posting your video is the first step.  Now it’s time to get proactive with your recruiting strategy, and work on Step 6 of The Playbook –  Market You.  A highlight  video is an essential part of your marketing campaign to raise your visibility with college coaches.  Research shows that a recruiting profile that includes a highlight/skills video is at least 12 times more likely to be viewed than a profile without one.

Read more: Creating your Highlight Videos

Don’t relay on a Coach to simply find your Video online.

After adding your video to your AllStarRecruits Profile,  you must make sure it gets seen by the Coaches on your Targeted College List.  Your video is a great reason to begin your email campaign to the Coaches on your Targeted List.  College coaches  don’t have the time or budget to watch every recruit play in person, so you need to make it easy for them to see you play, and your video is your ticket to bridge this gap in the recruiting process.   Your video gives coaches something by which they can begin evaluating you for their program. If an athlete has already communicated with a coach, the video link email is a way to stay on a coach’s radar.  Periodic updates, can also strengthen that connection.

Man-Up Tip:  Send links to your videos to your high school, travel or club coach, or let them know  it is available on your AllStarRecruits Profile or on your social media. Getting your Coach involved can only help you as you navigate the recruiting journey.  College Coaches have are not able to have contact with Student-Athletes, but High School and Club Coaches are able to communicate on your behalf.

Follow Up 

In addition to getting Coaches on your Targeted School List to view your Highlight video, it is critical to follow up with any questions or responses immediately.  This will demonstrate positive work ethic, communication and organization skills and will sit better with coaches.

If you have reached out to a coach but have not received a timely reply. AllStarRecruits suggests allowing at least two weeks for a response. If after two weeks you have not received a response, forward your original email with a note asking if your initial email was received and if the coach had a chance to view it. Ask the Coach for any feedback or if the coach thinks you might be a good fit for their program.  Be sure to include your High School or Club Coaches email, while keeping in mind the NCAA Contact Regulations.

If there is still no response post-follow-up, You may want to consider moving on. Continuing to follow-up with unresponsive coaches is a waste of your time and theirs.

Man-Up Tip: In addition to the head coach, send personalized emails containing your highlight video to the recruiting coach or an assistant coach who may be your position coach. Typically if you send an email directly to a person, they more ownership than one that was sent out to several coaches at once.

Share your Video on Social Media

In addition to posting your video on your AllStarRecruits Profile, be sure to post it on social media. When it comes to Twitter, AllStarRecruits suggests following coaches and programs on your target list as a way to increase views and “shares” of your video.  Keep your social media sports centered.  Re-tweet about Your Sport.

You can occasionally tag coaches and tweet them, especially if they have had contact. Pinging a coach might get them to check you out.

Man-Up Tip: A compelling subject line is another way to get coaches to open your email and view your video. Make sure your subject line includes the word ‘video’, so they know if they open the email, it will be worth their time.

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