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NCAA Division IIStep 3 - Identify Your Mission

NCAA Division II Schools

There are 312 Division 2 colleges across 45 different states. Typically, these are smaller public and private universities with under 10,000 students. All scholarships at the NCAA DII level are equivalency scholarships, which mean the majority are partial scholarships. However, you can still get a full-scholarship at the D2 level when you find the right [...]
NCAA Division IIIStep 3 - Identify Your Mission

NCAA Division III Schools

List of NCAA Division 3 Schools There are 442 DIII Schools across 34 different states. D3 colleges are typically smaller universities and many of them are private schools, which means the admissions and academic requirements are different then DI or DII schools. When looking for DIII schools, you will want to focus your search on [...]
NCAA Division IStep 3 - Identify Your Mission

NCAA Division I Schools

There are 347 DI Schools across 49 different states. D1 colleges range from smaller private schools to the largest universities in the US. The scholarship opportunities vary depending on the sport and the school. If you play football, men’s or women’s basketball or women’s volleyball, tennis or gymnastics all of these scholarships are full-rides. The [...]
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